The perfect tenant is waiting for your home.
Detailed Credit Reports
We are able to run our own detailed credit reports for tenants, this is more accurate than relying on the documents provided by themselves. We can find out if they hid any outstanding balances, large payments, bankruptcies or consumer proposals.
Document Verification
Sometimes you may come across tenants using fake documentation to secure a lease. We have our methods to validate the documents using logic and instinct based on years of experience to examine the legitimacy of the documents provided by the tenants.
Identity Verification
Tenants may try to pose as someone who they are not when it comes to leasing. We want to ensure that the people who have signed the lease will be the people living in the property. Based on the facts provided to us, our team can verify if the individual is a fraud or not. If something does not check out about a tenant, we will tell you why we think the tenant is not honest and you will understand exactly why we choose to reject tenants.
Income Verification
Tenants may overstate or misrepresent their income which is one of the most important metrics when it comes to the tenant screening process, after all why rent to someone who doesn’t have the money to afford it? We are able to pinpoint how much exactly how much income the tenant has, and we have a powerful strategy to accurately gauge the income for self-employed individuals.
Employment & Reference Verification
Tenants will be required to provide previous landlord references as well as current or previous employer references. Our team will go through each of their references to ensure that they are the actual landlord for the property as well as making sure the employer is not a random person. We cannot rely on the references the tenants are willing to provide alone, that is why we will do the due diligence to background check every reference they gave us.
Multi-channel Marketing
As a team, each of our team members have their own social groups as well as access to a variety of social channels on the internet. We have a digital marketing department that will ensure your property is leased out faster than the MLS, which is what realtors use to lease properties.